INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents New editorial team of „Urgentní medicína“ journal EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS Diagnostics and Treatment of Influenza on Emergency Department – Robin Šín, Dalibor Sedláček PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE Bystander CPR and succesful primary percutaneous coronary intervention of
Content 4/2018
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents CLINICAL TOPICS AND RESEARCH The position of aVR ECG lead in medical emergencies – Roman Škulec, David Astapenko, Vlasta Dostálová, Jan Beneš, Pavel Roleček, Vladimír Černý Comparison of the effectiveness of dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Content 3/2018
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE Utilization of simulation medicine in prehospital emergency care education – Katarína Veselá CLINICAL TOPICS AND RESEARCH Curriculum of emergency ultrasound for Emergency medicine specialists – Roman Škulec (první autor a editor), Patrik
Content 2/2018
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents THEME OF THE YEAR: CHILD AS A PATIENT IN EMERGENCY CARE A system approach to paediatric prehospital and hospital emergency care –Jana Šeblová, Jitka Dissou Paediatric Emergency department – Jitka Dissou Basic evaluation and
Content 1/2018
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents CLINICAL TOPICS AND RESEARCH The results of co-operation between EMS of the Vysočina Region, Traumacenter of Brno Bohunice University Hospital and Traumacenter of Military University Hospital Prague –Tomáš Vaňatka, Kateřina Vaníčková, Pavel Kupka Brugada
Content 4/2017
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents CONCEPTION, MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION Draft methodology for evaluating emergency preparedness – Irena Švarcová, Josef Navrátil CLINICAL TOPICS AND RESEARCH The bystander-witnessed collapse with CPR and shockable rhythm as the main predictor of a successful survival after out-of-hospital
Content 3/2017
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE Emergency Situation with Mass Casualty caused by Norovirus Infection – Robin Šín, Dalibor Sedláček 7th year of MUC. RR competition of students of medical universities at Rally Rejvíz 2017 – Táňa Bulíková,
Content 2/2017
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents CONCEPTION, MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION Importance of the out-of-hours emergency service in the system of healthcare facilities – Marina Levko, Miloś Velemínský sr., Ingrid Baloun Multiple victims incident´s management in prehospital emergency care – only quickly
Content 1/2017
INTRODUCTION Editorial – Jana Šeblová Contents CONCEPTION, MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION A possible approach of evaluation of EMS crisis preparedness for mass casualties – Irena Švarcová, Josef Navrátil Knowledge of Emergency Medical Service members about activities on scene of emergency situation with
Content 4/2016
INTRODUCTION Editorial Jana Šeblová Contents CONCEMPTION, MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION Out of hospital cardiac arrest: the outcomes of systematic developement in prehospital emergency medical care between 2012 and 2016 in Karlovy Vary region Vojtěch Míra, Metoděj Renza, Aneta